30-day writing challenge



Writing in a foreign language is often being neglected. But writing practice gives your more than "just writing practice". Download 30 writing prompts and get your writing done. I'm in this with you doing my 30-day Spanish writing challenge😊

But first, let's see the main benefits of engaging into a writing routine:

  1. Writing reinforces learning: When you write down words, phrases, or sentences, you recall and use the vocabulary and grammar rules you've learned, and that enhances memory and retention.

  2. Your vocabulary improves: Writing encourages you to expand your vocabulary. It pushes you to look for synonyms and more creative expressions. Your active vocabulary gets richer and you start understanding more nuanced vocabulary.

  3. Grammar practice: Writing is your chance to practice and apply the grammar you study. It forces you to think about sentence structure, verb conjugation, tenses, declensions, and other grammatical aspects, which helps you internalize the rules.

  4. Communication skills: Writing is an essential skill for communication in any language. By writing in a foreign language, you develop the ability to express your thoughts and ideas effectively, which is valuable for both spoken and written communication.

  5. Self-Assessment: Writing allows you to assess your progress. When you write, you can review your work and identify mistakes or areas where you need improvement. 

  6. Cultural awareness: Reading and writing in the language involves learning about cultural references, unspoken rules, the way we approach each other, asking questions, expressing emphaty, using idioms, etc. You only master a language when you understand and can apply all the above.

  7. Writing is communication: Not all communication occurs through speaking. In many situations, like arranging your AirBnb check-in or talking to someone on a dating app, you want to look smart and proficient in the language. So learn how to write it😉

  8. Exams: If you ever decide to take a language proficiency exam, all the writing you've done before will very much come in handy.